Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Monk Downstairs by Tim Farrington

General Summary:
Rachel, a single somewhat bitter mother of a young girl (Mary Martha) allows Michael Christopher (a monk who just left life in a monistary) to rent her downstairs apartment. Rachel's aloof surfer ex husband is somewhat in the picture and she has a man who adores her (Bob) who she is just not that into. She sets Bob up with her best friend from work, and they end up getting married. Rachel struggles with possibly being Michael Christopher's rebound relationship from God as a monk, but after much go around they fall in love. The book does not have a happily ever after ending, but it leaves you with the feeling that Michael Christopher and Rachel are heading to that after Micheal Christopher wins over the love of Mary Martha and helps Rachel take care of her ailing mother after she has a stroke.

In my opinion:
This was a quick, somewhat predictable read. The author does a good job of really building up some quality to the relationship between the two main characters. They struggle with Rachel's bitterness towards men and love, her fear of Mike running back to the monistary, the issue of Rachel having a daughter that Mike will have to accept. The true turning point of the story is when Rachel gets very angry at him and pushes Mike away because of her predisposed notions of men. He allows her to be mad and does not get angry. Rachel realizes that that is the difference between him and other men - he does not get angry and leave her, he just calmly waits out the storm and sticks with her.
There are some comical moment in the story where Rachel's mother, Phoebe, makes Mike baptize a child on the beach - even after he insists he is not qualified for it. Phoebe will not take no for an answer and there is a comical beach scene and ad lib baptism.
Throughout the book the author puts in an occasional letter from mike to his lead monk at the old monistary. It give some insight into what Mike is feeling - since the book is primarily written from Rachel's perspective. It really brings out the true sincerity in Mike and the reader sees that Rachel has no chance of losing mike by to the monistary as he writes very respectfully about his love for Rachel and his faith that he made the right decision to leave the monistary.
Through those letters we find that the head monk strongly criticized Mike for praying to much and not getting involved. Mike realized that the head monk was somewhat right as he begins to become more and more actively involved in the life of Rachel and Mary Martha. He feels like he was not getting involved at the monistary because he did not feel a strong pull to anything. Now with "the family life" he wants and enjoys the involvement.
My favorite part was the end because it did not have an "everything is perfect" happy ending. We leave the couple sharing the joys and struggle of parent hood and working on a relationship. They have respect and love for each other and know that they will have many more life test together, but with Rachel's new faith in Mikes commitment to her and Mikes happiness in being actively involved in life with them - you get the sense that they will continue to share a happy life together.